British Ale Yeast
Known for its use in malty English beers, this strain is a great choice for any beers using traditional English malts like Marris Otter, Golden Promise or floor malted barley. This strain will push bready, grainy malt flavors while being a mild ester producer.
ATTENUATION : 67% - 74%
ALCOHOL TOLERANCE : Medium (5-10%)
FERMENTATION TEMPERATURE : 65° - 70° F / 18° - 21° C
STA1 : Negative
Recommended Styles:
- Barleywine
- Blonde Ale
- Brown Ale
- Cider
- Dry Mead
- English Bitter
- English IPA
- Imperial Stout
- Old Ale
- Pale Ale
- Porter
- Red Ale
- Scotch Ale
- Stout
- Sweet Mead
Ships with an ice pack.
Cool ship your liquid yeast during the warm season with this option. (Highly recommended April through October)
Link to Cool Shipping